Top Ten Billing Secrets

(845) 496-0772

Motivating Debtors

October 26, 2018 by  
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Some people feel the urge to pay their bills early while others are happy to pay on time. Then you have, the slackers. These dubious deadbeats cost you time and money. They are hard-wired to avoid paying. What’s more, if your billing process has any gaps, they will exploit them. Accounts receivable gaps can also create non-paying clients and when people string you along, your bottom line suffers the consequences. The frustration of dealing with lackadaisical clients can leave you feeling a bit paralyzed and even angry.

Business owners need to equip themselves with the tools that will change the debtor’s habits and make clients happy to pay. Even when managing directors know they have accounts receivable problems, they won’t admit it and refuse to get expert advice. They believe everything has been done and the debtor is to blame. This is a common misconception because the reality is, you can change debtor’s habits. The first step is to change your own habits. The next step is finding the right help. So where do you look and who can you trust? CJM Billing Solutions, Inc. is family owned and operated. We have an effective approach to revenue cycle billing management and have been dealing with non-paying clients since 1989. Your clients are just people who play games when it comes to paying. Every company that has worked with CJM Billing Solutions, Inc. has seen dramatic improvement in revenue. Don’t wait to experience your full potential and the monetary reward. Learn the techniques that work! Get paid faster and keep more clients. Wait no longer to get paid faster. Our proven Revenue Maximizing System is easy and available to you. CJM Billing Solutions, Inc. We are the Accounts Receivable Consultants and Billing Experts.

Enjoy greater success. Contact us now. (845)496-0772. Christopher Mangan is the author of the Top 10 Billing Secrets. An easy to use business billing guide for start-up companies.  

Assisting Debtors

October 12, 2018 by  
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When we assist debtors, we actually stimulate our accounts receivable, collect payments faster and keep clients longer. The way we communicate to these clients will cause them to pay. Their ability to pay is virtually never attached to their willingness. In other words, they have the money, so how do you get them to pay you? There are different methods for different people. Identifying the personality traits is simple unless you don’t really know where to start. We have seen companies struggle for years dealing with these types of clients and we have learned the secrets to changing their habits and changing their minds. These methods are guaranteed to bring money in the door faster and ease the stress of collecting money. Most debtors are just lazy and complacent. Their attitude can be changed and they can become some of your best clients with a willingness to make their payment on-time every month. Why continue to wait for payments? The techniques are easy and available to you. CJM Billing Solutions, Inc. Family owned and operated since 1989. Enjoy greater success starting today! Accounts Receivable Consultants and Billing Experts. (845)496-0772.


Accounts Receivable Past Due

October 8, 2018 by  
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Difficult clients will always be a part of your accounts receivable process. Your ability to effectively deal with these types of customers will determine your bottom line and define the future of your business. Many companies struggle in this area and do nothing to change it because they don’t know where to start and who to trust. CJM Billing Solutions, Inc. is a family owned business and we have been helping companies like yours for over 25 years. We care about business owners and enjoy our ability to increase revenue, create effective billing procedures, and focus on client retention. We know why people drag their feet and how to combat difficult clients in a way that produces financial gain. The fact that you are reading this means you are looking for answers.CJM Billing Solution, Inc. has the answers you are looking for. We are Accounts Receivable Consultants and Billing Experts. (845)496-0772.